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Community Impact

Signature Initiatives

  • Investing in the safety and security of children in the foster care system through financial support of Clear Creek Farm. 
  • Supporting the young people of Miami County and their futures by helping establish The Future Begins Today program and scholarships.
  • Creation of the Targeted Acts of Kindness initiative that provided flexible, timely support to area nonprofits with urgent needs as they served clients through the pandemic.
  • Creation of the Duke Foundation Challenge in 2011 to encourage fundraising for 11 safety-net nonprofits. The initiative went so well that the Duke Foundation doubled the amount allocated for this initiative, deploying a total of $200,000 into the community.

Paul G. Duke Academy for Community Leadership

To help support the future success of philanthropic efforts in the area, the Duke Foundation has made a legacy commitment to leadership training and strategic planning for nonprofit organizations through the Paul G. Duke Academy for Community Leadership, in partnership with Edison State Community College.

The academy gives leaders of non-profit organizations the tools and skills they need in their journey to make an impact on their communities. The academy involves a series of workshops, mentoring, and a conference. Applying for the academy is open to those involved in non-profit organizations in Miami County and the contiguous counties.

To apply, visit the Edison State Community College Paul G. Duke Academy website page here. You will find a note on whether registration is open or closed. Once registration is open, simply fill out and submit the application and fee, and then the selection process begins. Watch the academy video to learn more.

Logo of The Troy Rec
“Our teens have a welcoming, safe landing spot after school because the Duke Foundation invested in our mission. Because of that investment, we can do the work of connecting with teens daily. We are forever grateful for the good work of the Paul G. Duke Foundation. We may be the ‘boots on the ground’ providing services for the young people of Troy, but the Duke Foundation helps us keep the leather shiny and the laces and soles in good repair.”  – Kelly Snyder, Executive Director, The Troy Rec
Logo of Edison State Community College

"Over 20 years ago, Pat Robinson identified a gap in the availability of quality educational and training opportunities for nonprofit leaders in West Central Ohio. From her vision, the Paul G. Duke Academy for Community Leadership has been the growing edge in training and nurturing leaders through the collaboration of The Duke Foundation and Edison State Community College. 

The Edison State Community College Center for Leadership Development is grateful for the collaborative partnership with the Duke Foundation in helping over 350 individuals in West Central Ohio make a difference on their nonprofit boards and in their communities.” Dr. Richard Alan Hanes, vice president of advancement, strategic planning and partnerships for Edison State Community College and executive director of The Edison Foundation.